My hand-carved logo symbolizes the principle of cooltiger ltd. Every creative work starts with basic analog tools ― the hands.

Eiko Nishida
Born in Hiroshima in 1974. President and creative director, cooltiger ltd.

Ms. Nishida was born in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1974. She studied at the University in Japan and received a B.A. in chemistry in 1997, but she also studied fine art at Central Washington University as an exchange student in 1996-1997. Worked as coordinator for a newsletter in Japanese and English for one of the major hotels at a PR company in Tokyo. Then worked as a graphic designer for a couple of magazines in both English and Japanese from 2000. Started a freelance design career from 2001 and is now undertaking a diverse range of “communication design” projects. They include not only visual design such as newsletters, company brochures, logos, posters, etc., but also contributing articles for Korean magazines in Korean about the design scene in Japan and organizing events to meet both clients' demands and doe her own original projects. Has had many solo or group shows and attended overseas art fairs since 2004. Launched a graphic design company cooltiger, ltd. in 2005 and a rental kitchen space 20T (nijyuttsubo, in 2015, where language- and communication-oriented events are regularly held.

cooltiger ltd.
location: 1-5-6-5F KS floor, Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
1-1-25-3F, Honkawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, Japan
date of foundation: August 1, 2005
capital: 3,000,000 JPY

[個展/ solo shows]
2018 gallery G, Hiroshima
2012 Book cafe jungle, Seoul, Korea
2012 Naorai, Tokyo
2011 Skima, Tokyo
2010 Ben’s cafe, Tokyo
2009 Swan cafe, Tokyo
2008 Colabo cafe, Tokyo
2008 T.Y.Harbor Brewery, Tokyo
2007 Ben’s cafe, Tokyo
2005 IDEE and AG 2nd Auction, Tokyo
2005 AG 1st Auction, Tokyo
2005 愛知万博 イタリア館/the Italian Pavilion at Aichi Expo, Nagoya
2005 Grail, Tokyo
2005 日本外国特派員協会/The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, Tokyo
2005 Library Lounge THESE, Tokyo
2004 Ben’s cafe, Tokyo
2004 T.Y.Harbor Brewery, Tokyo
2004 Good Honest Grub, Tokyo

[グループ展/ group shows]
2019 Zine's mate at Tokyo Art Book Fair Ginza Edition, Tokyo
2018 Gallery×Cafe Jalona, Tokyo
2018 GINZA STAND, Tokyo
2017 School of Visual Arts, New York, U.S.A.
2013 Gallery idm, Busan, Korea
2006 Ben’s cafe, Tokyo
2005 Lamia Ink!, New York, U.S.A.


1974年広島市生まれ。有限会社クールタイガー 代表/クリエイティブ・ディレクター
使用言語:日本語・英語・韓国語。2000年よりデザイナーとしてフリーランス業務を始める。印刷物のデザイン、自社プロダクトの開発・製造・販売に加え、国内外の媒体への寄稿やイベント企画・運営、インバウンド事業コーディネーション、日本のデザインシーンについて韓国月刊誌『DESIGN』に寄稿など、広い意味でのデザイン「コミュニケーション・デザイン」業務に携わる。2015年4月より広島市内にレンタルキッチン20T(にじゅっつぼ) をオープンし、毎月複数回、多言語を用いる自社イベントも開催。多岐に渡るチャンネルでコミュニケーション・デザインに積極的に注力している。

所在地:東京都千代田区九段南1-5-6-5F KSフロア
広島市中区本川町1-1-25 旭・進栄ビル3階